Filter News Story list:Hints on searching News Stories
You can narrow the stories displayed or look for a specific story using one or all of three criteria:
- Date range:
- Current shows stories that are currently active
- Recent shows stories posted within the past 60 Days
- Last 12-Month shows stories posted over the past 12 full months
- All includes all stories that have appeared on the site
It is standard practice to keep stories indefinitely, though some may have been deleted (when there are a lot of stories, it is best to use All in combination with other filters)
- Category
Select from one of the categories from the drop-down list.
- Keywords
Looks for a word, phrase or part of a word in the headline or description (not case sensitive). It may help to leave Date Range and Category selectors at "All."
Printing the List or individual News Stories
Using Print this page at the upper left will print the content displayed in the News list or the details of a news story, without any of the surrounding page elements. The filter form in the list view is replaced with a summary of the filter settings.
Additional Hint: On some smaller devices you may find it helpful to use the Print option to display a simpler content-only view. Depending on the device, you may not actually be able to print, but it may produce a view that is easier to read. You will need to close the print window to get back to the site navigation.
NEW indicates stories posted within the past 10 days that are still active.
Dimmed items have expired, but any links are still active.
Community Activities & News
Who is My Neighbor?
"Who Is My Neighbor? Life Experiences of Immigrants and Refugees" (From PRC) is a collection of interviews of People Resource Center’s clients and volunteers, compiled by PRC founders, Warren and Margaret Roth.
Posted 5/9/2015
General News
Basketball Ministry
You can help Evangel’s basketball ministry in a very practical way by buying bottles of water or Gatorade for the guys to drink on Saturday mornings. You can put these in the church kitchen labeled “Men’s Saturday Basketball.” This simple act of kindness can have a positive impact on those who attend.
Posted 11/2/2013